Our Saviors Lutheran Church

All Are Welcome!

We are a Lutheran Church in the ELCA whose mission is all about Living God’s Love. All are welcome here for worship and communion. Along with worship, we have many programs for you to participate in or volunteer for. We also offer educational programming for all ages from Pre-K up to Adult.
There are many opportunities for you to join us.


Thanks for checking us out.

I think Our Saviour’s is a great congregation, otherwise, why would I have left behind so much that was familiar to come to this new congregation in a new community in a new state?

For 30 years, I had been a pastor in Minnesota and Iowa and North Dakota, and now in Wisconsin where I have been at Our Saviour’s for close to 4 years. Here are some reasons why I chose this congregation:

This community values people and relationships, with intentional efforts to connect the different generations.

This community is committed to looking beyond ourselves to the larger community and using our hands to make a difference…

This community celebrates music with choirs for voice
and handbell, along with both a praise band
and pipe organ to lead our singing.

If you are yearning for a community that will welcome and accept you just as you are, if you are yearning for a community that will know your name and celebrate your unique gifts, if you are yearning for a community that will nurture you in the midst of questions and worries, doubts and fear, we would like to welcome you and get to know you.

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This church is about so much more
than the church building.

Our Saviour’s is a congregation who strives to live as the people of God every day of our lives and not just when we are in the building on Sundays and Wednesdays.

To put it succinctly, here’s our purpose:


Living God’s love through word and deed.


Welcome all, nurture relationships, and serve those in need.


Grace and Hope, Diversity and Justice, Listen and Learn.